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0% T adjustment

A calibration step that eliminates dark current and other background signals from the response of a spectrophotometer.


100% T adjustment

Adjustment of a spectrophotometer to register 100% transmittance with a blank in the light path.



A versatile chelating reagent; used in gravimetric analysis, in volumetric analysis as a protective reagent in atomic spectroscopy, and as an extracting reagent; also known as oxine. 


Absolute error

An accuracy measurement equal to the numerical difference between an experimental measurement and its true (or accepted) value.

Absolute standard deviation

A precision estimate based on the deviations between individual members in a set and the mean of that set.

Absorbance, A

The logarithm of the ratio between the initial power of a beam of radiation P0 and its power after it has traversed an absorbing medium, P. A = log(P0/P) = -log(P/P0).


A process in which a substance is incorporated or assimilated within another. also, a process in which a beam of electromagnetic radiation is attenuated during passage through a medium.

Absorption filter

A colored medium (usually glass) that transmits a band of the visible spectrum.


Absorption of electromagnetic radiation

Processes in which radiation causes transitions in atoms and molecules to excited states. The absorbed energy is lost, usually as heat, as the excited species return to their ground states.

Absorption spectrum

A plot of absorbance as a function of wavelength.

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