Immobilization of a shoulder with a wire ladder splint
Патрабаваньні выкананьня
Authors: Rednenko VV, Poplavets E.V.
Editor: Rednenko V.V.
Equipment for the practical skill:
- wire ladder splint 120 cm long
- 2 rolls of bandage
- 4 soft pads
- or a wire ladder splint with fixing belts and soft lining
Clinical situation:
- A casualty has a shoulder injury. Carry out a immobilization of the arm with fixation of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints with a wire ladder splint
Order of the skill performance:
Preparatory stage:
- Introduce yourself
- Identify patient
- Obtain informed consent to the procedure
- Give all the information to the person about what the procedure involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative, and what will happen without this procedure
- Explain what you are going to do.
- Ask the patient to consent to procedure.
Main stage:
- Prepare the splint, laying on it cotton wool and fixing it with a bandage (The splint is usually prepared for work in advance) or take the commercial wire ladder splint with soft lining
- Model the splint:
- place the splint along the patient's healthy arm from the fingertips to shoulder joint;
- put marks on the splint at the levels of elbow and shoulder joints;
- bend splint at a right angle (90°) at the level of the elbow joint;
- bend the splint at an obtuse angle (115°) at the level of the shoulder joint .
- Take a comfortable position for this manipulation, If it's possible, use the help of an assistant.
- Ask the assistant to gently slightly lift the injured arm, keeping it in a physiological position
- Place the splint on the injured arm
- Give the physiological position of the hand, inserting in it a bandage roll
- Fix the splint to the arm with bandages or special straps
- Hang the splint with slings or triangular bandage or special straps
Final stage:
- Check the quality of immobilization.
- Ask the patient about the comfort of the arm position, the presence of discomfort in the immobilized area (pressure on the protruding parts of joints and bones).
- If necessary, put soft pads under these protruding parts
Апошняя зьмена: аўторак, 25 лютага 2020, 10:53 AM