Eye drop instillation
Патрабаваньні выкананьня
Authors: Rednenko V.V., Rednenko L.I.
Editor: Rednenko V.V.
Equipment for the practical skill:
- patient or simulator for eye drop instillation sitting on a chair or lying on a bed
- manipulation table (bedside table)
- sterile solution of ophthalmic medication
- small gauze squares or cotton balls
- sterile normal saline solution or antiseptic water solution (0.02% furacilin solution)
- tray
- container
- thermometer
- PPE: medical gown, hat, mask, non-sterile gloves
- waste containers (tray)
Clinical situation:
- You are a nurse at a hospital. Install eye drops to patient as physician’s directives
Order of the skill performance:
Preparatory stage:
- Check the equipment at the workplace, complete the workplace if necessary
- Put on your protective equipment
- Perform hygienic handrub
- Put on your gloves
- Identify the patient
- Say hello to the patient, introduce yourself;
- Specify the last name, first name and patronymic of the patient, check the prescription sheet
- Get informed consent
- Inform the patient about the upcoming manipulation,
- Obtain verbal consent to conduct it
- Check physician's directives.
Maine stage:
- Help the patient to get into the required position:
- Tilt the patient's head back slightly if he is sitting
- Place the head over a pillow if he is lying down.
- Cleanse the eyelids and lashes (if necessary, in the presence of purulent discharge)
- prepare an antiseptic to clean the eyelids and eyelashes
- take a bottle with 0.02% furacilin solution
- take a container and fill it with warm water
- measure the temperature of the water in the container with a thermometer (say: Water temperature is 40 (40-45) ° C)
- place the bottle with 0.02% furacilin solution for 1-2 minutes in a heating container (say: "Furacilin is heated to a temperature of 36-37 ° C")
- place the bottle with 0.02% furacilin solution on the manipulative table
- perform hygienic hand antisepsis, put on non-sterile gloves
- open the the bottle with 0.02% furacillin solution and pour 1-2 ml of this solution into the tray
- open the pack of cotton balls, take one and moisten it with 0.02% furacilin solution
- ask the patient to close the eye and wipe the eye with only one stroke from the outer to inner canthus of the eye with the moistened ball
- prepare an antiseptic to clean the eyelids and eyelashes
- Wipe this eye with a movement from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, taking a clean, dry cotton ball.
- repeat the manipulation with the other eye in the same sequence, taking a clean cotton ball
- take a cotton balls or gauze pledgets
- moisten them with normal saline
- use each cotton ball or pledget for only one stroke, moving from the outer to inner canthus of the eye.
- Instill the drops
- Fill eye dropper with medication but prevent from flowing back into the bulb end.
- Using forefinger, pull lower lid down gently.
- Instruct patient to look upward.
- Hold the dropper close to the eye but avoid touching the eyelids.
- Allow the prescribed number of drops to fall in the lower conjunctival sac but do not allow to fall onto the cornea.
- Release the lower lid after the drops are instilled.
- Press the inner corner of the eye with a sterile ball for 1-2 minutes so that the drug does not slide down the lacrimal canal into the nose
- Instruct the patient to close their eyes and make circular rotational movements of the eyeballs
- Wipe off excess solution with gauze or cotton balls
- Repeat the procedure with the other eye in the same order
- Ask the patient how he is feeling
Final stage:
- place the ball in the "Dressing disinfection, PPE" container
- place the package from the balls in the container "Packaging"
- remove gloves and place in container "Dressing disinfection, PPE"
- perform hygienic hand washing
- close the bottle with furacilin and put it in a storage place
- close the vial with the drug and put it in the storage place
- put the thermometer in storage
- register the performed manipulation in the medical records
Апошняя зьмена: панядзелак, 17 кастрычніка 2022, 9:02 AM