Dressing table preparation
Completion requirements
Authors: Rednenko VV, Rednenko LI, Poplavets E.V.
Editor: Rednenko V.V.
- Performed in the dressing room.
- The sterile table is set up for 6 hours.
- After taking the instruments from the table, it is immediately closed.
- The nurse takes the instruments from the sterile table with sterile dry tweezers.
- Unused instruments taken from the sterile table are not returned.
Target: maintaining the sterility of medical instruments, syringes, needles, which ensures the prevention of nosocomial infections.
Clinical situation:
Set up a sterile dressing table for dressing.
Equipment for the practical skill:
- manipulation table;
- work table:
- sterile box (dressing material: cotton balls, gauze napkins, gauze balls; suture material, medical instruments, etc.);
- gloves, mask, gown;
- disinfectant solution;
- clean napkins;
- container for used material;
- sterile box on a pedal unit (gown, mask, gloves, cap, sheet, tweezers, linen pins, container for tweezers).
Order of the skill performance:
Preparatory stage:
- Before setting the sterile table, the nurse should:
- wash her hands (see practical skill "Hygienic hand washing")
- put on a mask and gloves
- treat the table twice with a disinfectant solution at 15-minute intervals, then remove the remaining disinfectant solution with a clean rag
- remove gloves, wash hands (see practical skill "Hygienic hand washing").
- check the box with clothes (tightness, sterilization date), put the opening date and time on the tag.
- perform hygienic hand treatment (see practical skill "Hygienic hand antisepsis")
Main stage:
- open the box on the pedal unit, check the indicator color change according to the standard
- take out sterile tweezers from the box and take out one by one:
- tweezers container (put on the work table)
- sterile gown, mask, gloves (put on according to the algorithm)
- take out the sheet with sterile tweezers and put it in your left hand, place the tweezers in a dry sterile container
- unfold the sheet folded in 4 layers on outstretched arms and cover the procedure table with a movement "away from you" so that the lower edges hang down by 20-30 cm
- grab only the 2 upper layers at the edges with 2 pins in front (the table is covered)
- open the sterile table by the front pins "away from you", fold the layers like an accordion, not bringing them to the edge by 10-15 cm, the pins hang down behind the table
- put the necessary on the table with tweezers sterile instrument, dressing material in a convenient order (or according to the diagram)
- take by the front pins, lift them up, straighten the "accordion" and with a movement "towards yourself" close the table without touching the sterile part of the table.
Final stage:
- Attach a tag to the upper left corner of the sheet (indicate the date, time of setting the sterile table and the signature of the nurse).
Last modified: Monday, 28 October 2024, 9:48 AM